Mower-Doctor.com Custom Theme
Mower-Doctor.com was one of the first websites that I ever built and has been up and running for nearly a decade. This website is very basic and is built on static HTML/CSS pages with a small amount of JavaScript for functionality and the image carousel. The site was updated a few years ago to be responsive and shifted to a SCSS workflow.
I started working with Mower Doctor when it was in it's infancy, the owner ran the business part time while holding a full time position. With my help, he was able to transition to the company full-time and now has a thriving business. A major focus was placed on SEO for this site, with many pages appearing first page, high up on the rankings page.
In 2021, more than 61% of the sites traffic came organically, with over a minute average time on page, low bounce rate, and low exit percentage. We actively maintain the site to ensure that the SEO continues to produce results.